Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Arabic Newspaper Gift Bag Tutorial

Last time my folks came to visit, they left behind a stack of Arabic newspapers. Since this is not an item that we normally have delivered to us (honestly, we don't even get the English paper) I saved the stack in hopes of using them for a craft project.

Now that day is here!

We thought it might be fun to create a gift bag.
Arabic Newspaper Gift Bag Tutorial
Cereal box
Hole punch

Pick a size of a cereal box that you want your finished bag to be. A box that is still closed on one end works the best. Lay the newspaper on the box after you look around the pages to find a great image. We ended up with a fantastic picture of Egyptian tahtib dancers and put that image front and center.

When you get to the bottom, fold in the edges at one end and tape the flaps together.

Carefully take out the cereal box.

Cut the very bottom of the cereal box.

Put your bottom of the cereal box inside the bag. This will help make it stable and will allow the bag to sit up.

Cut off two pieces of thin cardboard from the top of your cereal box the width of the box. They should be about 1 inch tall. Put these pieces in the top of your bag, lengthwise, and fold over the newspaper. These will give your bag extra strength for the ribbon. We also taped these down to hold the cardboard until the next step.

Hole punch two holes on each side and insert your ribbon.

Your gift bag is done!

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