Saturday, July 27, 2013

Arabic Numbers Toss

For our upcoming Eid party, we wanted to have a toss of some kind for the little kids.  This Arabic Numbers Toss will be perfect.  There is quite a bit of drying time on this project, so be sure to read all the steps ahead of time.

This afternoon, after we made our toss board, the girls created guidelines for how to play.  This includes how far back each age group would be allowed to stand and how many tosses each player gets.  I only wished we had different colored pipe cleaner to keep track of the different players.  You can also use different things for the toss, such as plastic bracelets or shower curtain rings.

Large precut wood board
Arabic numbers stencils
Spray paint
Carbon paper
Pipe cleaner (precut to 3 inch pieces)
Cup hooks
Brown acrylic paint
Paintbrush (not in photo)

First lay out your stencils on the board to see how much room you'll have.  Make a small pencil mark above your number for the cup hook.

Drill a hole for the cup hooks.  If you don't have a drill, you can also try an awl to start your cup hook opening.

Spray paint your board and give it time to dry completely.

Place the numbers back under the holes and trace them out with your carbon paper and pencil.

Paint in the lines of the numbers with your brown acrylic paint.  Allow everything to dry before you go to the next step.

Outline your letters with Sharpie so you can see them better from far away.

Twist in the cup hooks.  The cup hooks we got ended up being closed and we didn't notice it until my daughters tried to thrown the rings.  So as you can see from the final photo, we just opened them up a tiny bit with pliers.  So when you are buying your cup hooks, make sure they are pre-opened (otherwise, just take two pliers and pull). 

Take your pipe cleaner and make it into a circle by twisting the ends together.

Enjoy your game!

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