Sunday, January 10, 2016

Oil Pastel Resist Crescent Moon and Star Banner

Yesterday my husband took my older two daughters to a movie that they have been begging to see.

I'm not exactly sure what it was about as my movie tastes tend to be more independent, but it had something to do with a war in space. Or a trek in space. Oh wait, I'm not suppose to say those two together. As you can see, I'm hopeless.

On a break from cutting pillows for an upcoming event, my youngest and I cleared off the studio table to make this oil pastel resist crescent moon and star banner. She was feeling a little sad she didn't get to go to the movie, but with a PG13 rating, she still had a few years to go. We had a blast thinking of other shapes too so stayed tuned to see what else we can make.

We used watercolor cards to make our banner double sided. If you are using watercolor paper, just fold it in half.

Moon and star templates
Double sided tape
Oil pastels
Cup for water
Watercolor cards

Start by folding your card in half and placing the moon and star wood templates on the fold. Trace around each, making sure you trace wide around the shapes. Leave extra room at the top around the fold.

Take your white oil pastel and draw different lines all over each side of the card. We stayed inside the pencil lines on the traced side but drew all over the other side.

Use your watercolor paints to paint all over the card.

We chose red and yellow on our blank side and blue and green on the side with the shapes.

Let your paint dry. Fold the card over and cut out the shapes. Stay inside the pencil lines.

Add your twine to the inside of the cards.  We looped it around the stars twice on each end to help them from not slipping.

Add double sided tape to the inside of all the cards and your banner is done.

The intro photo is our banner on one side, here it is on the other side. The nice thing about this banner is that if you hang it in a window, you can enjoy it from outside and inside!

To see more moon crafts, visit our 99 Creative Moon Projects.

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